June July August 2024
Toisenlaista iloa - A different kind of Joy Today, there is a lot of talk about happiness. Fortunately, the topic has also been studied a lot, and therefore we know how to influence our own happiness. Positive emotions, good relationships, achievement, and, for...
April May 2024
Hän ei ole enää täällä — He is no longer here The angel's message to Jesus' disciples who arrived at the empty tomb was at the same time scary and joyful. In the end, fear gave way and joy won. Shock and dismay left. The resurrection of Jesus soon became a reality for...
February March 2024
Arvon mekin ansaitsemme — We are valuable Stand-up comedian Ismo Leikola has often made his audience laugh by making comparisons of Finnish and American culture. For example, how in America compliments are part of everyday life and in Finland they are shared less...