News and Events
The door is open. Everyone is welcome!
Ovi on auki – kynnys on matala jokainen on tervetullut!
Suomalaisen Isien Usko -lehden digitaalinen versio
Napsauta tästä ladataksesi / Click below to download:
Timo Saarinen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Emmauksen jumalanpalvelukset sunnuntaisin Zoomin kautta — Tervetuloa mukaan!
Emmauksen jumalanpalvelukset sunnuntaisin edelleen myös Zoomin kautta —Tervetuloa kirkkoon tai voit osallistua virtuaalisesti Zoomin kautta jumalanpalveluksiimme! We offer both in-person and online services!
Timo Saarinen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Emmaus Lutheran Church Sunday Service (also Carols on Sundays) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 858 3251 8901 Passcode: 3zqXaT
If you would like to receive an email invitation to Emmaus services via Zoom, please let me know:
We are excited to announce the option of Interac e-Transfer using online banking.
- If you use online banking, log into your account
- Add Emmaus Lutheran Church as a recipient using our email address:
(*some banks may ask you to add security question and answer known only by recipient, in that case you can ask and answer anything it does not matter E-transfer goes still through)
- Enter the desired amount and click send.
- If you have any questions or need help please give the church a call and we will assist you.
– All donations made will produce a tax receipt
Thank you for your donation!
By Mail
You can make your offering/donation by mailing it directly to the church or dropping it off in our mailbox at Emmaus.
Please make your cheque payable to Emmaus Lutheran Church
Emmaus Lutheran Church
6344 Sperling Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V5E 2V4
Sunday Services
6344 Sperling Ave., Burnaby, B.C.
Join Us on Zoom
Mail or Call Us
6344 Sperling Ave.,
Burnaby, B.C. Canada V5E 2V4
Email Pastor Timo Saarinen
Ph. 604-521-7927