
The door is open. Everyone is welcome!

Ovi on auki – kynnys on matala jokainen on tervetullut!

Heinäkuu Elokuu 2024

July August 2024

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your July August 2024 Calendar Here:

Lataa kalenterisi täältä:

July & August Calendar 2024

Kesäkuu 2024

June 2024

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your June 2024 Calendar Here:

Lataa kalenterisi täältä:

June 2024 Calendar

toukokuu 2024

 May 2024

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your May 2024 Calendar Here:

huhtikuu 2024

 April 2024

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your April 2024 Calendar Here:

maaliskuu 2024

 March 2024

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your March 2024 Calendar Here:

helmikuu 2024

 February 2024

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your February 2024 Calendar Here:

tammikuu 2024

 January 2024

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your January 2024 Calendar Here:

Klikkaa ladataksesi PDF-kopion Isien Usko -joulunumerosta. Hyvää joulua sinulle ja nauti!!

Click to download a PDF copy of the Newsletter Isien Usko Christmas Issue.

Merry Christmas to you and enjoy!!

joulukuu 2023 

December 2023 

Selaa alaspäin nähdäksesi aiemmat kalenterit

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your December 2023 Calendar Here:

Marraskuun November  2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your November 2023 Calendar Here:

October 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your October 2023 Calendar Here:

September 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your September 2023 Calendar Here:

July August 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your July August 2023 Calendar Here:

June 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your June 2023 Calendar Here:

May 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your March 2022 Calendar Here:

April 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your March 2022 Calendar Here:

March 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your March 2022 Calendar Here:

February 2023

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your February 2022 Calendar Here:

January 2022

(Scroll down to see previous calendars)

November calendar

Download your January 2022 Calendar Here:

December 2022

(Scroll down to see October and November calendars)

November calendar

Download your December 2022 Calendar Here:

November 2022

(Scroll down to see September and October calendars)

November calendar

Download your October 2022 Calendar Here:

October 2022

(Scroll down to see August and September calendars)

March 2022

Download your October 2022 Calendar Here:

September  2022

(Scroll down to see July and August calendars)

March 2022

Download your September 2022 Calendar Here:

July August  2022

(Scroll down to see May and June calendars)

March 2022

Download your August 2022 Calendar Here:

April  2022

(Scroll down to see February and March calendars)

March 2022

Download your April 2022 Calendar Here:

March 2022

(Scroll down to see January and February calendars)

March 2022

Download your March 2022 Calendar Here:

February 2022

(Scroll down to see January and December calendars)

February 2022

Download your February 2022 Calendar Here:

January 2022

(Scroll down to see December and November calendars)

January 2022

Download your January 2022 Calendar Here:

December 2021

(Scroll down to see November  and October calendars)

November 2021 Calendar

Download your December 2021 Calendar Here:

November 2021

November 2021 Calendar

Download your November 2021 Calendar Here:

October 2021

(Scroll down to see September)

Download your October 2021 Calendar Here:

September 2021

Download and print your calendar

Download your September 2021 Calendar Here: