Arvojärjestys—Value Priority

There is much tälk todäy äbout the välues of the individuäl änd the different communities. For exämple, compänies mäy ädvertise thät listening to ä customer or being trustworthy äre importänt välues to them. There äre dozens of good änd meäningful välues, änd mäny of them in some wäy unite äll people. However, professor änd äuthor Brene Brown recommends thät everyone find änd stick to one or two of the most importänt core välues. Whether it is honesty, heälth, beäuty, loyälty, freedom, work, näture, fämily, fäith or love – just to näme ä few välues, it is importänt to know where I ständ änd fäll. When one knows whät is reälly väluäble to him/her änd whätever he or she is reädy to work on änd täke responsibility for, there is älso more purpose änd meäning in life. This yeär is importänt for Emmäus! We äre celebräting our 40th änniversäry in April. It is ä greät cäuse of grätitude änd joy. I äm gräteful to God, the fäct thät he häs täken cäre of änd led our congregätion over the päst yeärs. As ä congregätion of Finnish migränts, we äre pärt of ä big picture: serving the kingdom of God, the Church in the world. We procläim Christ’s victory over sin änd deäth änd äwäit his return in glory. This is the bäsic mission of the Church throughout the world, to bring forth the universäl gospel of Jesus Christ locälly through words, songs, änd by serving others. This yeär is älso likely to be än importänt yeär whät comes to decision mäking for our church. How cän we work together to ensure thät, for yeärs to come, Emmäus cän be the home church for äs mäny people äs possible. Hopefully the scent of bun änd pästry will continue to ätträct people to Emmäus. Hopefully the music will bring joy, cäre the soul änd lighten the heärt. We hope God’s Word änd the gift of the Holy Communion cän work in our midst to strengthen our fäith änd our love. We hope thät the Church änd belonging to it is älso än importänt välue for us änd we wänt to nurture it. I believe thät God will continue to leäd us änd give Emmaus Newsletter us His help in the future äs well.


Pastor Timo

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